Banebrydende teknologier, gør det nye FIFA 22 til den mest ‘true-to-life’ fodboldoplevelse til dato, lyder det fra EA Sports, men mørke skyer truer i horisonten for det populære spil, hvis det altså fortsat skal bære FIFA-navnet, når næste udgave skal lanceres.
De fleste fodboldnørder kender til esportsspillet FIFA og ved denne udgivelse rammer man ifølge spilproducenten EA Sports højere end tidligere tiders udgivelser.
Not only the publisher, who for natural reasons praises their own product to the sky, is positive. Experts in the gaming world praise the aesthetic boost, as the gaming site IGN Nordic, which calls FIFA22, despite a few blunders, one of the most nuanced multiplayer sports games on the market.
Branding synergies for FIFA, UEFA and EA Sports
Og netop FIFA, som er verdensorganisationen indenfor fodbold, samt UEFA, der er den europæiske lillebror, har i den grad forsøgt at opnå synergieffekten sammen med EA Sports. UEFA’s guldfugl, Champions League, lægger nemlig som vanligt i nyere tid, navn til hovedattraktionen i spillet og oplevelsen skulle altså være bedre end nogensinde før.

Ny teknologi på ryggen af high tech-spildragter
Everything from well-known technologies, such as 3D Audio and Haptic feedback, to the brand new HyperMotion Gameplay Technology should form the basis for an ultra-cool gaming experience FIFA22. Hypermotion is called the biggest innovation for the FIFA game in this version. This feature creates, according to EA Sports, the most vivid game to date and is brought to life using, among other things, high tech game suits, placed on a group of professional football players performing at an intense level. See more about this and how to measure and analyze your way to the new HyperMotion technology, here .
Overvejer navneskifte efter kæmpekrav fra FIFA
The name, FIFA 22, is currently also the focus of a major drama, the site Inverse notifies. The game, which has had the FIFA name with it since 1993, is being considered to rename itself EA Sports F.C. when the current agreement with FIFA expires after 2022. The FIFA game, which sells over 30 million editions annually, is rumored to be changing the name after FIFA reportedly want to charge EA Sport more than one billion dollars for four more years, to allowing EA Sports to continue with the current name. This is more than doubling the current price for the franchise agreement, reads an article from New York Times, which a few days ago put the spotlight on the current name dispute.

EA Sports has sealed deal with FIFPRO
At the same time, EA Sports can inform that 12th October an agreement was reached with the international players organisation FIFPRO which gives EA Sports permission to use the names of everything from the Champions League over the Bundesliga name to the Premier League.
Det må man formode, sætter yderligere pres på FIFA, til at indgå en fremtidig aftale med spilfirmaet, men en ting er sikkert; der er meget på spil for begge parter i form af penge, goodwill og masser af prestige. is following the story.