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Denne artikel er mere end 12 måneder gammel og kan indeholde gammel/uddateret information. This entry has been published on 11th June 2021 and may be out of date.

Hitmakers The Edge, Martin Garrix and U2’s Bono kickstart EURO2020 with the tournament’s official anthem

Intet EM uden en officiel sang og dén står en flok kendte hitmagere som blandt andet, den hollandske DJ og producer, Martin Garrix, bag. Til sommerens coronaforsinkede tunering, der trods vi skriver 2021 stadig hedder EURO2020, bliver sommerens store – og længe ventede fodboldturnering sparket i gang med en til lejligheden fyldig … ja, genåbnings-fanfare kan man næsten sige. 

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– At kreere musik for en af verdens største sportsbegivenheder sammen med Bono og The Edge, har været en fantastisk oplevelse, fortæller Martin Garrix, som fortsætter: – Jeg er meget stolt over hvad vi har fået lavet sammen og glæder mig til at dele den med hele verden! 

The title "We Are The People" is an energetic and majestic anthem in a small minute, which we will get to know many times the next month's time on TV and various social media. In addition to helping with lyrics, the U2 stars also provide some of their familiar and iconic guitar riffs. Hear the official EURO2020 anthem below.


We Are The People is a song that looks at the challenges facing the world, while at the same time aiming to find a unified response to these issues, UEFA writes on its website about the content and the idea behind the song. And as it is also noted. It's not that hard to agree on. Enjoy!


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