The danish first broadcaster [DR] has entered into 'a major collaboration' with Danish Football Association [DBU] connected to Denmark's largest sport with over 360 000 executive football players, according to Danish Statistics.
Fighting for young peoples attention
But football, like many other sports activities, is fighting an increasingly tense battle for the favor of young people when the iPad or computer game is chosen over the game with the round bounching ball.
- We are common about the children and we are common about creating communities, the football director could tell on the question of what it is that the new collaboration between DBU and DR's youth universe 'Ultra' can achive together.
- It's a typical story telling about the danish society; We are good at standing together and making communities. And both DR and DBU are interested in that part. To give the children some communities that they can thereby lift themselves by, lift others, lift the whole of Denmark and finally also a little touch of selfishness on the part of football. Of course, I also hope that someday one of these pupils can become national team players so we can be proud of them when they perform in red and white.
Of course, I also hope that someday one of these pupils can become national team players so we can be proud of them when they perform in red and white.

The football director himself participated in school football
Peter Møller himself has participated in the school football tournament as a young pupil. The tournament, as far as knows is quite unique worldwide. - I have previously said that everything I have learned, I have learned through football, so my mom and dad got a little angry, it came from Peter Møller with a twinkle in the eye to the host Sofie Østergaard on the Children's Producers Day' in 'DR Byen' on Amager, just a few kilometres from city center of Copenhagen.
part of public health is building on, whether children and young people learn to play sports at an early age, rather than just lying on the couch in front of Netflix or with Fortnite on the computer screen
The former professional football player appeared in his football career for Danish top clubs such as Aalborg and FC Copenhagen and subsequently also got a career as a sports host at 'DR Sporten', before pulling on the pin-striped suit for the Danish Football Association, which, however, for today's occasion - namely the 're -branded 'school football tournament, which Ekstra Bladet started several decades ago - was dressed in a relaxing army green t-shirt and a pair of dark jeans.
Football helps to integrate and form
- I believe that football can include, integrate, form and educate. Create 'food' for thoughts. It is health, physical, mental. The things we would like to pass on now to all these children, the DBU director said at the producers day, where figures on the target group's media habits were also rolled out from danish broadcasters analysis department. ‘Ultra’s’ target group is between 9 and 14 years old, so when school football is involved [pupils parcitipate at the teams are typical between 13 and 15 years old], it is on the absolute edge of that target group. But nonetheless, even more important when you know that part of public health is building on, whether children and young people learn to play sports at an early age, rather than just lying on the couch in front of Netflix or with Fortnite on the computer screen. At the livestreamed press conference, it was also revealed that the traditional broadcasters, such as DR, have been given a good and thorough back wheel in the ‘Ultra’ target group of digital offers such as Netflix, HBO and not least YouTube. The latter as a clear number one in that category, with over 88% of the target group's attention on a weekly basis. However, DR still reach almost half of the 9-14 year old target group in Denmark.
- Like being at an exam
About the school tournament, Peter Møller clearly remembered his performances. - It's like being at an exam. All of a sudden, you have to get up and play some game where there are a lot of your classmates and others from school standing and watching.
Completely insignificant is the winning moment, after all still not yet
- Then you get super nervous and it creates a good field of tension, said Peter Møller, who pointed out that the most important thing in school football is not to win, but most of all it is about developing the children and giving skills to the young people. - We will teach the children to win later in life. When it comes to children's football, the most important thing is that the children develop and gain some skills. And I think they get that through football.
18,000 pupils participate
However, the ‘Ultra School Cup’ still ends with a final in April 2021 (if the corona alouds to), so after all the winning moment is not yet completely insignificant. And luckily then, we add from the editorial side, although all of the above good intentions are also hailed from’s view. The entire tournament, where as many as 18,000 pupils from 7.-10. grade, distributed from 850 schools participating are already kicked off, like a cup tournament, which means that every match is about survival and thus further advancement in the tournament.