De danske udviklere har gennem sine kontakter været dygtige til at få deres M-Sport ind i adskillige topklubber, blandt andre Arsenal, Juventus samt Bayer Leverkusen og har derudover flere andre prominente klubber på listen over begejstrede brugere.
In all its simplicity, you may think it's a quite simple equipment whic only a few possibllities. But the team behind M-Sport has been working on the thinking hat and has really worked up a wealth of exercises and even developed an app with different functionalities. It works with your smartphone, which can be clamped on the rebounder and thus act as a kind of assistant trainer. Smart!
Watch a promotional film from Munin Sport here, including the Danish national team player, Nicolai Jørgensen.
Or as in this feature from 2010, when the then brand new training gear was demonstrated during a football seminar held by Dansk Træner Bureau, a danish recruitment agency for soccer coaches. In this video you can exoerience the practical part as well as a few of the inventors behind the training equipment. You can watch more about the actual M-Sport demo about 2 minutes inside the feature.
As mentioned several major clubs have had their eyes at (and feets on) M-Sport such as the German major club Bayer Leverkusen. Watch video from the club's own review and testing of the device.

The smart training tool is available from around 500 Euros, but you may be lucky to find deals on the company website. will publish a review of the Danish rebounder at a later date.